Type Resources
My Favorite Type Resources:
Fonts in Use Typewolf Type Foundries:Type Foundry Index Type Foundry Directory Variable TypeV-fonts Free FontsGoogle Fonts Fontjoy (tool for finding Google fonts) Adobe Fonts (“Free” with Adobe subscription) usemodify.com velvetyne.fr open-foundry.com <—shows fonts from other sources toomuchtype.com <—variable fontshare.com typotheque.luuse.fun indestructibletype.com collletttivo.it osp.kitchen/foundry deathoftypography.com/typefaces theleagueofmoveabletype.com noirblancrouge.com/category-font/open-custom_fonts tunera.xyz suvatypefoundry.ee atypeofamigo.com <—also has other kinds of free resources! |